Accessing skilled volunteer hunters in pest management through the SSAA Farmer Assist program is an effective way to enhance land management strategies.
Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (SSAA National) Wildlife Programs Leader Matthew Godson presented the benefits of adding the unique skillset of volunteer hunters to tactics landholders and community groups use to control pests on their properties as a speaker at the National Feral Pig Conference in Cairns recently.
The SSAA Farmer Assist program offers a unique online portal that allows landholders to seek help from accredited shooters, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Volunteer hunting, culling or shooting can be used by itself or in conjunction with other pest control methods and can deliver positive social, economic and environmental outcomes.
While attending the conference, Matthew also spoke to Queensland Country Life about Farmer Assist and other functions hunters can assist with while conducting their activities.