Law Enforcement Activities
SSAA Law Enforcement Activities is a handgun shooting discipline offering an opportunity to take part in a widely inclusive competition environment which values the principles of law enforcement shooting. Matches are based on competition as part of training for law enforcement and involve skills in safe and effective handling, with timed positional shooting from the holster. Matches use service-based equipment and are shot on paper targets at distances from 3m to 50m. Shoots are timed from the holster and include reloads and changing position within time limits. Skill in safe and effective handling is required for change hand drills and target-to-target drills. Positions include standing unsupported, left and right barricade, sit/kneel and prone.
In 2014, SSAA Law Enforcement Activities Discipline (LEAD) was established in Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory to facilitate this type of shooting. In the early 1960s the NRA in America developed a training/competition course (PPC) and in the mid ’60s Australians further developed this course to include multiple targets and further handling skills (APS). NRA US further developed their PPC to three courses – Open 150, Distinguished 60 and Duty 48. The latest NRA course is TPC, a scenario-based exercise which is very limited in Australia.
Australian Police Service: A 90-round match from 7m, 10m, 25m and 50m including handling and positional shooting skills. In SSAA APS, NRA Pistol Divisions of Open, Distinguished and Duty apply.
PPC Open: A 150-round match from 7, 15, 25 and 50m. Includes the above positional skills and less handling with more time. An NRA ‘Open’ pistol may be modified and have up to a six-inch heavy barrel and sight rib added.
PPC Distinguished: A 60-round course from 7, 25, and 50m. An NRA Distinguished pistol is a six-inch revolver or six-inch self-load, no alterations, as from the manufacturer.
PPC Duty: A 48-round course, single hand at 3m then 7, 15 and 25m. An NRA ‘Duty’ pistol is a four-inch revolver or five-inch self-load, no alterations, as from the manufacturer.
TPC is the latest scenario-based course of the NRA US for duty firearms currently in use for LE, pistol, rifle and shotgun. Although we can use this match, legislation creates limited application in Australia. These matches are shot as close as possible to their parent matches, so the shooting rules are mirrored. This facilitates international and national competition under the same conditions. A Match Notice outlines the current rules, conditions and conduct.
NRA US PPC gun divisions of Open, Distinguished and Duty are applied to APS under LEAD to enable equipment level parity in competition. To encourage entry level competition, LEAD values Duty as the primary division in hierarchy.
Rules for APS 90 are at the top of this page under Downloads.
Rules for NRA PPC are on the NRA US website here:
Eye and ear protection, outdoor, active clothing, sun and insect screen. Service-type equipment is used generally. Centrefire revolvers/self-loading pistols with holsters, reloaders and pouches of service type. Ammunition of service type (equivalent), 9mm and 38spl most common.