Each edition, our Australian Shooter, Australian Hunter, Australian Women’s Shooter, The Australian Junior Shooter and Australian & New Zealand Handgun magazines offer members the chance to win a variety of great prizes, including torches, scopes, outdoor gear, targets, books, clothing and much more. We even have juniors-only competitions.
Ladies – win a $200 gift voucher
Australian Women’s Shooter readers have the chance to win a $200 gift voucher
Kindly donated by SSAA Online Shop
Win Walker’s Slim Electronic Earmuffs
Australian Hunter readers have the chance to win Walker’s Slim Electronic Earmuffs
RRP $129.99
Kindly donated by TSA Outdoors
Win a ZeroTech Thrive 3-9X40MM PHR 3 with Warne Scope Rings
Australian Hunter readers have the chance to win a ZeroTech Thrive 3-9X40MM PHR 3 with Warne Scope Rings
RRP $450
Kindly donated by ZeroTech Australia
Win a Federal Premium Range Bag
Australian & New Zealand Handgun readers have the chance to win a Federal Premium Range Bag
RRP $375
Generously donated by NIOA Australia
Win a Pistol Gun Safe
Australian & New Zealand Handgun readers have the chance to win a Pistol Gun Safe
RRP $395
Generously donated by Winchester Australia
Win a ZeroTech H.A.L.O. Trace red-dot reflex sight
Australian & New Zealand Handgun readers have the chance to win a ZeroTech H.A.L.O. Trace red-dot reflex sight
RRP $549
Generously donated by Tasco Sales Australia