Vale Nick Harvey

The works of Nick Harvey have been heralded as sacred firearms and hunting scriptures within Australia’s firearm-user community for the best part of 70 years. His passion, knowledge and experience will likely never be matched in the world of firearms history, function and handloading. Nick passed away at the age of 92 on Wednesday, February 21 and is survived by his wife Nancy and three children, Nick Jr, Alan and Janice.

His legacy within our community will live on through his extensive works in books and magazine articles, which many hold in high regard and refer to time and time again, regardless of their personal experience and skill level. Sporting Shooters’ Association board members and staff extend their heartfelt condolences to Nick’s family, friends and colleagues who will miss him dearly. May he live on in the memories of those who loved him personally and in our wider shooting community who have enjoyed and learned from his skills and insight over the years.

Image supplied courtesy of Sporting Shooter magazine

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