Exactly a year to the day after Legal Affairs spokesperson and South Australian Greens Senator Penny Wright called to establish a Senate inquiry to investigate new measures to combat illegal gun crime in Australia, the Senator has spoken in Parliament about the ‘success’ of the committee’s ‘Ability of Australian law enforcement authorities to eliminate gun-related violence in the community’ report.
The Senator said she was pleased to speak to the tabling of the report, saying “The majority report of this committee is a sensible, considered look at the issue of illicit firearms in Australia and ways to monitor their prevalence and prevent their use”.
As the SSAA has previously reported, there was considerable dissent between members of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee involved in this inquiry, with Senators Bridget McKenzie, Linda Reynolds, Ian Macdonald and David Leyonhjelm instead forming a majority and expressing opposing views and recommendations to that of the Greens Senator. Senator Wright, however, has described their report as a “highly politicised minority report” and an “ideological document which does little to address the terms of reference of this inquiry but everything to promote the gun industry and shooters”.
The SSAA would suggest that the Senator needs to consult the dictionary as to what the word ‘majority’ actually means.
Senator Wright concluded her Parliamentary speech by calling for a ban on semi-automatic handguns in Australia. This is despite the fact that there is no evidence to call for such a ban and indeed, that semi-automatic handguns were not mentioned in the 180-page Senate report.