In response to “Our open-door borders” (Weekend Australian, August 25/26) SSAA Executive Director of Special Projects Gary Fleetwood today called upon the Federal and State Governments to further increase surveillance on those individuals suspected of importing firearm parts illegally into Australia, and to arrest and place before the courts those they find in breach of Australia's already very tough gun laws.
“The sporting shooter in this country paid a high price when new firearm laws were implemented after the multiple murders at Port Arthur. We do not wish to see further restrictions placed on the law abiding gun owner as a result of frantic government attempts to stem the flow of illegally imported firearms into Australia,” Mr Fleetwood said.
“The Sporting Shooters Association unreservedly supports both state and federal law enforcement across the country in its efforts to stop the trafficking of illegal guns,” Mr Fleetwood said.
“However, there are state law enforcement agencies that have recently laid claim to having information concerning the type and method by which illegal guns are being illegally imported into Australia. We sincerely hope they are sharing that information with the relevant federal agency responsible for controlling the Customs barrier. We will be pursuing this issue to ensure that is in fact the case,” Mr Fleetwood said.