Field to Fork mailout cooks up political food for thought

Rachael Oxborrow

The latest instalment in the Field to Fork cookbook series is in the hands of around 250 Federal MPs and Senators, continuing efforts to share the philosophy of hunting for the table. The mail-out to all representatives, regardless of political alignment and public opinion on firearm ownership or hunting, is intended to be a conversation starter which gives the Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (SSAA) a chance to educate and connect with the nation’s legislators.

Around 80 per cent of SSAA members identify as safe and ethical hunters who potentially hunt for conservation, recreation or food gathering. Accompanying the mail-out is an explanation on why the SSAA created the cookbook series and has now released Field to Fork: Second Helpings.

The letter highlights the importance of maintaining a fit and active lifestyle and how hunting can play a part in this while contributing to managing the environment through sustainable harvest of Australia’s fauna. Creating talking points to reach beyond the stereotypical firearm laws discussion which can dominate the political realm gives the SSAA a chance to champion the useful and peaceful roles our law-abiding members play in society. This includes shining a spotlight on what our Conservation and Wildlife Management (CWM) branches contribute to appropriate projects, which are often run in conjunction with government agencies, local governments and like-minded conservation groups.

The Field to Fork story started almost a decade ago, following serious interest from SSAA members to produce a member cookbook. It celebrated the abundance that is Australia and its rich and varied wildlife, while also acting as an educational tool for the sourcing of wild meats. That first edition, now sold out after several successful print runs, won ‘Best First Cookbook in Australia’ at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in 2012.

The Field to Fork cookbook series supports the Conservation and Wildlife Research Trust, a public fund created to preserve our wildlife and natural environment. For more information on Field to Fork cookbooks visit

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