Press release from the Hon John McVeigh, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Queensland Government
Almost $2 million of the $5.6 million in Federal drought funds targeting feral animals was now flowing to where it was needed with the signing of six grant agreements.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister John McVeigh said the state government, local councils and industry had finalised projects to help drought-hit landholders under pressure from feral animals.
“The projects will roll out in south western and central western Queensland, Charters Towers, the Central Highlands and the Condamine, with a further two projects expected soon for the Gulf and Murray-Darling catchment areas,” Mr McVeigh said.
“Agriculture is a key pillar of the Queensland economy and this is prime example of how the LNP government is working effectively with Canberra to deliver better programs for Queensland farmers.”
Minister McVeigh said the projects were decided by local councils, NRM groups and wild dog committees. “Larger fencing programs were not considered because the overseeing committee wanted programs to have maximum immediate impact on feral pests.”
The projects include:
- Central Western Queensland Remote Area Planning and Development Board project for region wide wild dog control
- Condamine Alliance project to expand wild dog, feral pig and rabbit control
- South West NRM project to increase wild dog control
- Charters Towers Regional Council project targeting wild dogs through trapping and baiting, and feral pigs using aerial shooting
- Central Highlands Regional Resources Use Planning Cooperative project to integrate baiting and aerial shooting of feral pigs
- Balonne Shire Council, representing Balonne, Western Downs, Goondiwindi and Maranoa, the Queensland Murray-Darling Catchments NRM and local wild dog/pest syndicate leaders to increase wild dog trapping through training and mentoring programs, and feral pig control through aerial shooting
- AgForce Queensland to continue coordination of wild dog and feral pig control, and landholder training days.
Minister McVeigh said areas east of the Great Dividing Range were also in drought, and some funding from the initial 2013/14 allocation had been retained to fund crucial projects in this area.
“My department will contact relevant agencies east of the Range to commence discussions.”
For more information on feral animal initiatives, contact the Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry on 13 25 23.