Western Australian farmers will have an extra tool in the fight against pest animals through an innovative and successful program that has gained the support of the Western Australian Farmers Federation (WAFarmers).
The Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (SSAA) Farmer Assist program will provide landholders and managers access to a database of qualified SSAA members with program-accredited shooting skills to assist with on-property pest animal control.
SSAA Farmer Assist Coordinator Matt Godson said the online tool was developed to provide farmers with a free, simple and fast service for dealing with problem wildlife.
“We have worked closely with farmers to develop a tool which is both useful and practical,” Mr Godson said.
SSAA WA President Ron Bryant said the program added to the current conservation and wildlife management services members are providing to the community.
“SSAA members have been active in the Red Card for Rabbits and Foxes program conducted during autumn for many years now, so the SSAA Farmer Assist program builds on this by offering a much-needed service to our state’s farmers all year round,” Mr Bryant said.
WAFarmers President Dale Park said the SSAA Farmer Assist program is a responsible form of pest control.
“The SSAA Farmer Assist program provides farmers with another avenue for controlling feral pests that damage fences, livestock and crops,” Mr Park said.
All SSAA members participating in this program have achieved a proficient standard of marksmanship and will adhere to a strict code of practice that takes legislative requirements and animal welfare into account.
See the SSAA Farmer Assist website for more details.