During these uncertain times I wanted to talk to you, our members and supporters, to provide you with an update on how the Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia is responding to COVID-19. Rest assured, SSAA National is doing everything we can to bring you your regular services.
The Australian Shooter April edition is already on its way to you, with normal packaging and postage occurring from our regular distributer in Sydney. As events continue to develop daily, or even more rapidly, our staff across Australia will continue to work for you, our members. As successfully trialled last week, many of our staff are now working from home, where possible and safe.
With social distancing protocols in place, I encourage you to continue to support the Association and our membership community. With almost 200,000 members, we are our own community and support-group and I hope now more than ever we can support each other as much as we can. Wear your SSAA logo proudly, be it on your hat, shirt, jacket or belt buckle and if you see another member, say hello to them in a safe and appropriate way and check on their welfare. Check on their and their family’s welfare. For some, now is also a great opportunity to go hunting, to stock up on meat for the table and the freezer.
Regarding membership renewals, our office is continuing to process those as normal; we know for many of you, your membership is your genuine reason for holding a firearms licence. Further, I know many of you have queries regarding your range or club closing and your mandatory attendance commitments. The SSAA understands that most state branches are in talks with relevant legislators as to how new restrictions will affect these things, as each state and territory functions under different laws, I suggest you contact your state or territory SSAA club for the information most relevant to you. Lastly, stay safe and support one another as much as possible.
Geoff Jones.