As in previous issues of Australian and New Zealand Handgun magazine, issue 22 is jam packed with handgun reviews, advice and special features relating to handgun innovations, terminal ballistics and the .357 Maximum cartridge. Handguns under review include the Taurus TX22 Competition pistol, the Smith and Wesson M&P9 Competitor, Ruger Blackhawk .357 Magnum, Ruger Buckeye Convertible revolver, Smith and Wesson Model 610 10mm, KelTEC PMR 30 self-loading .22 Magnum and the Kimber Camp Guard 10mm. Altamont grips, M-Pac shooting gloves, the Mantis training device and the Burris Fast Fire IV red dot sight also get a mention. Dick Eussen explores Free Pistol events and the handguns used and Rod Pascoe breaks down the SSAA Action Match discipline. For these great articles and more, grab your copy today.