Rick Huckstepp examines Remington’s 700 VTR SS rifle and Con Kapralos tests out Ruger’s American Stainless rifle in .308 Winchester. North American correspondent Thomas Tabor attends the massive US SHOT Show, while Assistant Editor Dave Rose covers all the action from the 6th Pacific Regional Shooting Championships in Canberra. John McDougall puts the Radikal GK-01C Camo Field shotgun through its paces on the Sporting Clays range, and Ian Ferrier explains the story behind a sweet little rook rifle. SSAA-LA’s Kate Fantinel unmasks the extreme views behind the Australian Greens Party and explains how members can support our NFA lobbying efforts. Don Caswell reviews Bushnell’s Rimfire 3-12×40 scope before he puts the Pig Saddle Shooting Rest through its paces. Communications Officer Sam Talbot speaks with junior shooter Siridon ‘Donny’ Parsons and senior correspondent Rod Pascoe investigates the disappearance of the .357 Remington Maximum.