From time to time some of our members may wonder exactly how your SSAA National spends its money. Given that we are more than 185,000 members strong, it should come as no surprise that we are in a powerful financial position. In fact, our members, individually as well as collectively, are our greatest strength. Everything we do, big or small, is to benefit our members, while we follow our constitution to promote the shooting sports and protect the interests of firearm owners, our members.
In 2016, 58 per cent of SSAA National’s Revenue went back to the state and territory branches for their needs. SSAA National also donates $1 from every sale of the Australian Hunter to the independent Conservation and Wildlife Research Trust, which in 2016 totalled $96,222.
We hope this information gives some insight into your great organisation. We look forward to growing and maintaining our strong financial footholds while always keeping in mind what’s best for our members.
Rebates to State and Territory Branches – 58 per cent
More than half of the money collected from members and other sources of income goes directly to the state/territory branches. This is spent to provide ranges to members and to enable state officials to undertake their responsibilities in representing the Association and the shooting community to governments, public officials and the public. Because the implementation of firearms legislation is handled by the state governments, this is a vital role of the officers of the state/territory associations.
Media and Publications – 14 per cent
This includes all SSAA publications, such as the Australian Shooter, Australian Hunter, Australian & New Zealand Handgun, SSAA’s Comprehensive Guide to Shooting & Hunting in Australia and so on. Keep in mind that these costs are offset by revenue from advertisers and publication sales.
Membership and Accounting – 9 per cent
This includes our Sydney-based SSAA National Membership team who process all memberships received and deal with any member queries. Accounting costs are also included here.
Retained Profits – 6 per cent
Funds are reserved for future programs and campaigns and also to service Association growth.
Insurance – 4 per cent
SSAA provides $20 million public liability cover, personal accident, death, and international team, Association and club officers’ liability and insurances.
Lobbying and Research – 4 per cent
This includes political analysis and research as well as media monitoring.
Governance – 2 per cent
This covers corporate costs such as board meetings, the AGM, plus audit costs. All board positions are voluntary and unsalaried.
Wildlife Programs – 2 per cent
This covers programs such as SSAA Farmer Assist and hunting and wildlife research projects.
National and International Shooting Competitions – 1 per cent
This expenditure is additional support funding for our teams to compete on the national and international stages.