As regional communities continue to battle and clean up after the numerous bushfires, floods and other natural disasters, duck hunters are preparing to descend on those communities as the 2020 duck season approaches. And the timing couldn’t be better as, at a time when regional areas need all the support and economic stimulus they can muster, duck hunters are more than happy to provide it.
Of the southern states hosting duck seasons, South Australian and Tasmania have announced their dates but Victoria has so far kept silent. While SSAA Victoria has been in regular contact with the Victorian Minister responsible for calling the season, the state government has remained tight-lipped.
“Ads running in the mainstream media are encouraging Victorians to visit fire-affected areas to provide economic support to regional businesses. SSAA Victoria has reminded the Minister of the economic benefits of duck hunting to regional communities and again encouraged the declaration of a season in 2020,” said a spokesperson for SSAA Victoria.
Last year’s Economic and social impacts of recreational hunting and shooting report extensively highlighted the benefits which hunting and shooting provide the nation. The report highlighted the fact that sports shooting contributes $2.4 billion annually to the nation’s bottom line and creates tens of thousands of jobs. Hunting is part of this huge contribution and with the Victorian duck season still in doubt, it’s likely some regional areas will lose out on the economic stimulus they would have otherwise enjoyed.
“If you’re a duck hunter or supporter of hunting more generally, please contact the Ministers and express that view,” the SSAA Victoria spokesperson said. “Be polite and respectful but tell them you want a season. Let them know you’ll be spending money in regional areas if there’s a duck season. Let them know you need to prepare for the season and an announcement needs to be made immediately to enable you to do that.
“SSAA Victoria will continue to advocate for a season on behalf of members, as well as the announcement of the decision as soon as possible. As soon as any information is received about the 2020 season our members will be informed.”
South Australia has declared a reduced season of four birds per day to run from Saturday, March 28 to Sunday, May 31, while the Tasmanian season will go from Saturday, March 7 to Monday, June 8, 2020. The SSAA wishes all hunters a happy, safe and successful duck season.