Way back in 1968 a branch of the SSAA was formed in Casino in northern New South Wales. Husband and wife Peter and Robyn Nesbitt were the main force behind the beginnings of what was to become SSAA Northern Rivers Branch. The focus at the time was mainly on Benchrest competition, and a suitable site was found on some land that Robyn’s father owned near Bentley, just west of Lismore.
The Nesbitts had been involved with SSAA Sydney where the range at Baulkham Hills was used up until the branch moved to Silverdale. Peter and Robyn were also involved in setting up the Crookwell Range in 1964. Peter was an enthusiastic Benchrest shooter, but also did some hunting. He became well known as an excellent gunsmith and went on to make his own actions. Nesbitt actions are few and far between these days but are treasured when found.
The branch moved to a newer location in 1992 just outside of Casino where it remains today, and Peter maintained his presence there continuing to compete and be as active as ever. Unfortunately, his health began to deteriorate, and he spent less and less time at the range. However, when he did show up, he was always welcome and freely offered words of advice. He also helped at North Coast Firearms, and in fact bedded a rifle for me.
When he could no longer drive, on a few occasions, I picked him up from his home and we would go to Grafton for a shoot with the branch there.
Peter died in late September this year, and his funeral was held in Casino on the 25th. To those who knew him he was a man always ready to offer a helping hand, being extremely generous with his time and advice. Peter was a member of the SSAA for over 60 years – a rather good record in anyone’s book. He is survived by his wife Robyn, who was by his side through everything. Peter is held in such high esteem that some are calling for the range at Casino to be named the Peter Nesbitt Range. It would be a fitting tribute.
John Denman