SSAA National held its 52nd annual general meeting in Canberra on the weekend of May 3 and 4, with all delegates from all states and territories attending plus a special guest speaker.
The Executive Board for 2014 comprises Geoff Jones from Queensland as SSAA National President, Ron Bryant from Western Australia as Senior Vice President and Jeff Kuyken from Victoria as Junior Vice President. Kaye McIntyre from the ACT and Alf Bastian from South Australia return in the roles of Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
Following the induction of the new Executive, Dean Mighell was offered and accepted the Board position of Immediate Past President. Dean is keen to dedicate his efforts to the Australian Remembrance Foundation and Black Dog Ride, an Australian charity that raises awareness about depression and mental health.
Ron Bryant was awarded SSAA life membership in recognition of his many years of dedication and service to both SSAA National and SSAA WA.
Delegates from all SSAA states and territories attended the conference, and reports were presented by the Executive, CEO Tim Bannister and the Membership, Merchandise, Finance, Insurance, International Affairs, Hunting and Media & Publications departments.
Attendees were privileged to see several presentations by international guest Philip Schreier, who is senior curator of the NRA National Firearms Museum in Virginia in the United States. Mr Schreier has worked at the museum for more than 21 years and currently features in several American firearm-themed television shows. He has an extensive knowledge of American and international military histories and is an inspiring public speaker.