SSAA Special Projects Director Gary Fleetwood was today in Canberra talking to political parties about the recent claim by One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson that there was a conspiracy involving the 1996 mass shooting at Port Arthur to introduce new gun laws in Australia.
“That claim will draw a blank with this Association.” Mr Fleetwood said.
“We have for some four years tried to stay in the middle of the gun debate – claims of a conspiracy at Port Arthur have been refuted by this Association ever since they surfaced after that tragic event.”
“Our position as a Non-Government Organisation within the United Nations advising on firearm related issues surely must indicate to the average non-gun owning Australian that SSAA has proven itself to be a reputable organisation representing the interests of those other average Australians who have chosen the shooting sports as their recreational pastime.”
“Mr Boswell’s rejection of the Hanson claims are supported by this Association. He, like most other Australians in mainstream society find such claims ludicrous.”
“We would welcome One Nation to contact us for the purpose of being advised on the true nature of the Port Arthur event, and we request they consider changing their position on such claims. Failure to do so will indicate to many Australians that One Nation is being influenced by extreme elements within the community.”