The Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (SSAA) held its 59th Annual General Meeting in mid-October. This marks another year impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the AGM being held online for the second time in SSAA history.
The incumbent National Executive Board consisting of President Lance Miller, Senior Vice President Denis Moroney, Junior Vice President Helen Gill, Secretary Kaye McIntyre and Treasurer and Public Officer Alf Bastain were re-elected unopposed.
Among the reports given to the meeting, SSAA National Chief Executive Officer Tim Bannister outlined some of the successes and challenges of the past 12 months. He touched on the ever-growing Association membership which now sits at 208,000 members within the state branches, the SSAA National website redevelopment and the release of the Great Australian Outdoors magazine issue 3.
A face-to-face AGM is planned for May 2022.