The year has started with promise as a research project spearheaded by Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (SSAA National) wildlife programs leader Matthew Godson has helped secure a quail-hunting season for South Australia and provide a scientific example for the rest of the nation. Quail population abundance data, gathered to present to the SA Government, involved more than 16,000 stubble quail sightings across the state and has ultimately hauled the season back from the brink with hunters able to harvest quail for the first time in three years.
Our international award-winning cookbook Field to Fork – Second Helpings is poised to represent Australia in the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards for the Best in World 2022 title in Sweden in June. It’s an honour to be listed among the best cookbooks in the world with our celebration of sustainable harvesting of game meats and this is the icing on the cake for the Association following a prosperous 2021.
The third edition of our destination, exploration and conservation magazine, Great Australian Outdoors, was released last year and is proving as popular as the now sold-out issues one and two. Similarly, our 20th anniversary edition of Australian & New Zealand Handgun magazine has experienced an 80 per cent increase in sales, with this edition of the southern hemisphere’s premier small-arms publication a true celebration of a sector with a passionate following.
Our Comprehensive Guide to Shooting and Hunting in Australia is being reprinted after selling out what was already an above-average print run and the popularity of this introduction to sports shooting, hunting and our Association is testament to what we do. Correspondingly, member numbers continue to steadily increase with female shooters joining our ranks in droves. Female membership numbers have now experienced an annual growth rate of around 10 per cent on average for the best part of five years.
Accompanying your Australian Shooter this month you’ll notice Australian Women’s Shooter, a quarterly publication which caters directly to this section of our membership. Seasoned shooters, experienced hunters and the novice looking to become involved are sure to enjoy this issue.
And lastly, a federal election by the end of May will allow a majority of our almost 210,000 members to have their say on who’ll represent them and ultimately lead the country for the next three years. SSAA National will be liaising with those seeking election to garner their viewpoints on our chosen sport and pastime. We know from experience that both friends and foes are among those seeking election and we’ll endeavour to communicate relevant policy information to members closer to voting day. As ever, members are encouraged to educate themselves on their local candidates and make their vote count when it really matters.