The Federal Government has proposed reforms which aim to reduce the regulatory burden on Australian firearms businesses. The reforms will streamline the import and export requirements for firearms, particularly for Australian Defence and Law Enforcement agencies.
Federal member for Bonner and SSAA member Ross Vasta will co-chair a reforms stakeholder meeting with the Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety and Multicultural Affairs, Jason Wood. Mr Vasta said the reforms would also progress the Australian Government’s goal of developing and maintaining a sovereign Defence industry.
“In order to achieve a fully functioning sovereign Defence industry, we need more Australian businesses researching and developing firearms and weapons technology,” Mr Vasta said. “By making a minor adjustment to the regulations we can encourage new businesses as well as allowing existing businesses to diversify, grow and become competitors in the Australian manufacturing industry.”
SSAA National President Geoff Jones said our Association will continue to consult with Government on all firearms matters. “Despite the difficulty of dealing with these issues, our Federal consultation processes have ensured the interests of our SSAA members have been protected,” Mr Jones said. “SSAA is always happy to consult in a process where only legitimate firearms owners have access to firearms.”
The proposed reforms will also include measures to combat those who seek to use firearms unlawfully.