The Game Management Authority (GMA) in Victoria has released a new Duck WISE (Waterfowl Identification, Safety, Effective and Efficient Hunting) video to improve training for Victorian duck hunters.
GMA CEO Greg Hyams said the new nationally recognised Duck WISE video will help to ensure duck hunting in Victoria remains sustainable.
“Duck WISE is an educational video for hunters to watch before sitting the revised Waterfowl Identification Test (WIT), which hunters must pass to hunt ducks,” Mr Hyams said.
“It replaces the previous Ducks in Sight video with a world-class production consisting of high-resolution digital footage of game and non-game waterbird species.”
“This will help all duck hunters to accurately identify which species are classified as game and may be hunted and will reduce the risk of the wrong birds being taken in the field.”
“In addition, Duck WISE promotes responsible and lawful hunter behaviour and provides important information on effective and efficient hunting practices and firearm safety.”
The Victorian Firearms Safety Foundation and South Australia, Tasmania and New South Wales wildlife management agencies were partners in the project led by the GMA.
Mr Hyams said he encouraged the state’s 47,000 licensed game hunters to watch the new footage and make the most of Victoria’s game hunting opportunities.
“Game hunting generates around $439 million annually, supporting jobs in hospitality and recreational supplies, such as vehicles, boats, fuel, firearms and ammunition, plus camping and hunting equipment.”
“This updated video is consistent with the GMA’s responsibility to promote sustainable and responsible game hunting and provides an improved service to hunters.”
The free video will be mailed to all licensed game bird hunters, made available shortly at major DEPI offices and is now available to view on the Game Management Authority website.