As many of you are already aware, QBE’s Global Underwriting Committee recently agreed on a change in QBE’s risk appetite for insuring the sale and/or manufacture of firearms as well as firearms organisations, associations and clubs.
SSAA General Insurance Brokers currently have facilities in place with QBE to underwrite the SSAA Members’ Firearms Insurance, property insurance for SSAA gun clubs and branches and SSAA’s Group Personal Accident and Liability Insurances. Due to the agreements with QBE, these policy renewals will be offered and the facility with QBE will remain in place until March 31, 2019.
We are now pleased to announce SSAA General Insurance Brokers have already been able to place the SSAA Members’ Firearms Insurance through another insurance agency. The new facility offers the same terms, endorsements and conditions as QBE and will be effective from February 1, 2019. We are currently presenting details of all the Association’s other insurances to various underwriters and insurance agencies and hope to have these facilities in place well before March 31, 2019.
Like you, we are extremely disappointed with the changes QBE have made but we, SSAA General Insurance Brokers, must continue to work with them and manage the policies currently in place and, of course, those claims that have already been lodged.
If you have any queries in relation to the above please do not hesitate to contact the brokerage on 08 8332 0281.