Press release from the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP, Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Management
The Australia-New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee today launched guidelines for government and business to prevent, and respond to, shootings in places of mass gathering.
The Active Shooter Guidelines for Places of Mass Gathering is a joint initiative between the Commonwealth, state and territory governments and business to manage such a threat.
“The guidelines incorporate world’s best practice from the United States, Europe and Australia to ensure that we remain a safe, resilient country,” Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC said.
“They will assist governments and the private sector to work together to help protect the Australian community.”
The guidelines cover a variety of facilities, including sporting and entertainment venues, universities, shopping and business precincts, major events and transport hubs.
“Such facilities not only present potential opportunities for mass casualties, symbolic attacks and high-impact media coverage, but pose a broad range of security challenges for their owners and operators,” Mr Dreyfus said.
The guidelines provide initial action advice for managers of places of mass gathering, and individuals who may find themselves caught in the unlikely situation of a mass shooting.
By gaining a better understanding of the risk environment and options for preventing and dealing with mass shootings, business will be better equipped to contribute to the collective national effort to manage this threat.
For more information, visit the Australian Government’s National Security website.