The Greens’ call to ban legal personal ownership of self-loading handguns targets law-abiding firearm owners and ignores the real problem – criminals conducting crime.
Firearm experts such as the NSW Crime Commission and NSW Senior Police have repeatedly reported that the firearms being used in drive-by shootings in their state are being illegally imported from overseas. Just last year, NSW Police broke a firearms importation ring of up to 220 Glocks coming in via Australia Post.
SSAA National Media Officer Rachael Andrews said the money slated by The Greens would be better utilised for frontline policing and intelligence networks to target crime where it happens.
“Law-abiding licensed firearm owners with legal firearms are an easy target for The Greens, but legislating against the licensed owner will not affect criminals and their unlawful activities,” Rachael said.
“Australian Institute of Criminology reports show that handguns are the least likely type of firearm to be stolen from private owners.”
The SSAA reiterates its call to vote The Greens last to ensure the party’s extremist and radical ideas never take hold.
Visit the SSAA’s Federal Election 2013 round-up.