On the eve of the Queensland state election, Federal Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon has taken a swipe at the freedom of the collective firearms industry, calling for us to be limited in our involvement in the political process. In a statement, Senator Rhiannon blasted the “gun lobby” for donating around $500,000 to political parties, singling out the Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia for its $50,000 contribution to Katter’s Australian Party (KAP).
“Community safety is at risk if the gun lobby is free to hand over money to political parties and then lobby those same parties to weaken gun control measures,” the New South Wales Senator said. “Donations from the gun lobby to political parties will jeopardise public safety.”
She goes on to insinuate that our involvement in the political process is a “corrupting influence” further insinuating that law-abiding firearm owners and licensed dealerships somehow present a threat to the community. The hypocrisy is astounding.
In 2013-14, the Greens South Australian division accepted a $20,000 donation from the local Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU). At that time, the CFMEU SA membership consisted of coal workers at the now closed Alinta Energy Leigh Creek coal mine. Considering the Greens’ campaign against so-called “dirty coal”, it is astonishing that the party accepted a donation from an organisation whose money came directly from coal miners’ pay packets. In short, the Greens received coal money.
The primary objective of the SSAA is to protect firearm owners’ interests and promote the safe, fun and all-abilities sport of shooting. As our recreation and industry is directly affected by the decisions of our lawmakers, it is right and just that we are involved in the political process. We make no apology for supporting politicians who support our cause and will speak out against those who seek to further restrict and impinge on our freedoms.