Aussie Snake & Spider Bite Kits is an Australian-owned and operated business located in Coonabarabran in north-west New South Wales. The nationwide distributor specialises in gear that is unique to Australian conditions.
The woman behind the operation is Narda Abel, who has lived remotely for more than 15 years and has had many encounters with snakes and spiders. Narda knows the dangers lurking in the Australian outback, having stepped on three snakes during her morning jogs – two red-bellied black snakes and one brown snake. “Everyone should be prepared in Australia,” she said. “The snakes are always there whether we can see them or not – snakes are there, be aware!”
By Narda’s side is husband Jason Abel, a senior field officer in pests (feral animal control) for the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Jason has twice been bitten by funnel-web spiders, making him acutely aware of the dangers Australia’s wildlife pose, particularly when medical assistance is far away.
“We source the best practical first-aid solutions to offer our clients,” said Narda. The kits have been put together following St John and First Aid guidelines and comply with the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines. “By providing Australian residents and tourists the opportunity to purchase our kits, we ensure everyone is prepared to pursue outdoor activities in the Australian environment safely,” she said. Narda and Heart of the Huntress star Christie Pisani are conducting some first-aid hunting-specific courses around Australia, so keep an ear out if you want to see the ladies in action.
The flagship product, the Aussie Snake Bite Kit, includes everything you need for rapid response to snake bites, as well as sprains, splinting and blood loss. The kit contains two bandages, one triangular bandage, an Australian venomous snake identifier and first-aid instructions, all supplied in a lightweight belt pouch small enough that it’s hard to notice when wearing.
The Australian-owned and -operated business also has Adventure Kits and Workplace Kits, which have additional features. For more information, visit the Aussie Snake & Spider Bite Kits website, its Facebook page or phone 0411 983 773.