Australian Crime Commission boosts information sharing with Victorian agencies

Press release from the Hon Michael Keenan MP, Minister for Justice

A series of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) between the Australian Crime Commission and Victorian state bodies will enhance law enforcement and investigatory capabilities in the fight against serious and organised crime, Minister for Justice Michael Keenan announced today.

The separate MoUs will enable lawful sharing of information and intelligence between the Crime Commission and Victoria Police; the Victorian Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC)</a>; and the Office of the Victorian Racing Integrity Commissioner.

All three agreements were signed today in Melbourne.

Mr Keenan said the proactive sharing of information and intelligence will support law enforcement and other investigatory processes, and enhance the crime fighting powers of all parties.

“This framework for cooperation between the Commission and Victorian law enforcement and other agencies is a clear commitment to sharing information and intelligence, which will be of huge benefit in the effort to combat serious and organised crime.”

“This is another example of the Government’s commitment to working cooperatively with the States and Territories to combat organized crime in Australia,” Mr Keenan said.

The agreement with IBAC, which builds on an existing relationship with the Office of Police Integrity, was finalised today in the signing ceremony with IBAC Commissioner Stephen Bryan SC and Australian Crime Commission Acting Chief Executive Officer Paul Jevtovic.

Existing arrangements between the Crime Commission and Victoria Police relating to cooperation and information sharing will also be improved, and will expand and deepen the relationship, making both agencies more effective.

The Office of the Victorian Racing Integrity Commissioner will use its agreement with the Australian Crime Commission to continue the good work undertaken to enhance public confidence in Victorian racing.

“The agreement with the Office of the Victorian Racing Integrity Commissioner enables cooperation on matters of mutual interest to both parties including addressing criminality within the racing industry,” Mr Keenan said.

Information being shared includes raw data, processed information and intelligence products and, with respect to IBAC and Victoria Police, includes connectivity to Crime Commission intelligence networks.


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