Off the back of an international award win putting Field to Fork – Second Helpings game meat cookbook among the best in the world, the conversation of sourcing game meat for the table is piquing the interest of Australia’s media.
Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (SSAA National) Media and Politics Officer Rachael Oxborrow spoke to the ABC’s WA regional Drive show with Andrew Collins to discuss the field to fork lifestyle earlier this week.
Field to Fork – Second Helpings was announced as among the top two in the world meat cookbooks in the 27th Gourmand World Cookbook Awards held in Sweden in early June. The book is a celebration of Australia’s unique flora and fauna and the important connection people feel to their food and its origins. It has featured a wide range of game meats including camel, snapper, crocodile and venison to illustrate a grassroots approach to sustainably sourcing and cooking food.