The SSAA is a broad church. Our members are passionate, diverse and numerous. A large number work in professional occupations, hold university degrees and enjoy camping, fishing and the great outdoors. That is the picture the results of our most recent member survey painted – and it’s something of which to be proud.
Recording the highest participation rate to date, the survey gave our 187,000-plus members the chance to have a say on many aspects of the SSAA, while capturing data about the people that make up our proud Association. Advertised in the Australian Shooter magazine and on our website, the in-depth survey was also emailed directly to more than 40,000 SSAA National E-newsletter subscribers.
Most of the survey respondents were aged between 46 and 55, although the 26 to 35 age demographic was also quite vocal. In terms of participation in our recreation, 53 per cent indicated taking part in target shooting events, with Target Pistol the most popular, followed by Sporting Clays, Benchrest, Practical Shooting and Handgun Metallic Silhouette. Three quarters of members identified as hunters, with the majority going hunting every three months.
Outside of sports shooting and hunting, nearly 65 per cent of members go camping, followed closely by fishing, four-wheel driving and boating. Motorsports and hiking were other major interests. While around 20 per cent work in construction, most of our members identified as professionals, closely followed by retirees. Nearly 30 percent hold a university degree.
SSAA members are keen investors in the tools required for sports shooting or recreational hunting. In an average year, around 40 per cent of our members said they would spend between $1000 and $5000 on firearms specifically, while an additional 10 per cent spend more than $5000 on travelling for shooting activities. Pleasingly, our online initiative SSAA Gun Sales was noted as a popular shopping destination.
The SSAA thanks all of our members who participated in the survey. Your input is vital in shaping and guiding the SSAA in our activities. To participate in the next member survey, make sure you subscribe to the SSAA E-newsletter.