We’ve all seen the movies and TV shows where the top cop picks up a crime scene spent case and yells “Get this to the lab!” Well this month, senior correspondent Rod Pascoe has answered that call and taken an in-depth look at firearm forensic “fingerprints”. Under review this time around is the ATA Pro 12 Shotgun, a 22LR rifle comparison for those after their first rimfire rifle or looking to add one to their gun safe, Meopta binoculars, KRG’s Bravo rifle stock and the latest Spectra scope from GPO. Elsewhere our own Matthew Godson launches the first in a two-part series on getting started with thermal optics, hunter Sam Garro unveils the secret of how best to squeeze off that all-important shot and with the regular columns, letters page and our Top Shots answering your questions there’s plenty to enjoy in this one.