Daniel O’Dea reviews the Mossberg 464 lever-action rifle and Neil Wheatley tests the Diana 340 N-TEC Classic rifle. Ben Smith uses his Christmas break to track down fallow deer, while a new report reveals the true number of feral cats in Australia. Don Caswell explains the benefits of using bore guides and John Harrison describes how to set up a reloading bench. SSAA-LA’s Kate Fantinel tackles security flaws in centralised storage and debunks accusations that the SSAA is a ‘poised militia group’. Con Kapralos examines Burris Veracity riflescopes and Rick Huckstepp takes a look at the Bullseye AmmoCam target camera. Communications Officer Sam Talbot covers Victoria’s new hunting plan and speaks to junior shooter Jordan Maxwell who features on the cover of this issue. Lionel Swift travels to the Liege firearms museum in Belgium, while Henri Lach shows off some peculiar knives.