The cover of our July Australian Shooter features Senior Correspondent John Dunn, who appraises the Ruger No.1 rifle on the inside pages. The esteemed firearm is enjoying its 50th anniversary and made a suitable impression. Also on assessment duty is Con Kapralos, checking out the Howa HCR rifle combo. Amid mounting unease from expert onlookers, SSAA President Geoff Jones and Olympic shooting great Russell Mark deliver withering rebukes concerning Australian sport’s Winning Edge strategy. Geoff is also part of the National Executive team involved in an encouraging report from the SSAA’s 56th AGM. A hunting excursion sees Dick Eussen on his quad tracking pigs along the Cape York Peninsula. Two new variations of state-of-the-art shooting glasses light up the SSAA online shop while our competition offerings round off another wide-ranging edition.