In our autumn edition, young Joseph Nugent takes us through the techniques of stalking large game, in this case a mature red deer stag, then outlines the step-by-step process for preparing your trophy for mounting. And with accuracy in mind, Dick Eussen explains the benefits of using a rest in the field to make sure you hit that target every time. With safety in mind, Heart of the Huntress star Christie Pisani alerts us to the dangers lurking in the wild, from snakes to knives in the kit bag, and focuses on the first aid procedure should something go wrong. For young shooters with no family connection to the sport, Sam Talbot turns the spotlight on a couple of youth training schemes in New South Wales and Victoria, and explains why the SSAA Sponsor a Junior scheme is paying off. And our juniors-only competition gives youngsters the chance to win a Bistoli Range Bag and Beanie valued at $75.