Our February cover story highlights the latest shotgun from Turkish manufacturer Yildiz which, at less than $1500, is one of the more affordable options on the market and one which our reviewer reckons will challenge many of the established brands out there. And in a review-packed edition we also turn the spotlight on the revolutionary new Monobloc rifle from Steyr Arms, Steiner Predator 4 riflescope, the Do-All Fowl Play portable clay target thrower, StrikeHold gun cleaner, Spartan binocular adaptor and Terra combat boots. Elsewhere, Mark van den Boogaart launches a two-part special aimed at demystifying the rifle stock and we embark on a new series entitled The Hunter’s Mancave, where some of our regular contributors look back fondly at their treasured mementoes and what it took to secure them. And with tales of hunting, the usual columns and letters page, there’s plenty to keep you busy as we prepare to farewell another summer.