Our hunters take part in a variety of adventures, ranging from flooring goats and pigs in Queensland to bagging pesky rabbits in South Australia, trailing chamois in New Zealand and tracking the quirky snipe bird in Northern Ireland. Martin Auldist explains how he likes to break up his deer-hunting forays with a spot of fishing, trying to tempt trout to bite on the rivers and streams of the Victorian High Country. Don Caswell shows us how to fashion biltong from hunted game or butcher-bought meat, while Rob Murton proffers his techniques for proper game skin care and tanning. Our reviewers check out the APRS Light Hunter rifle, Akkar Churchill Sporter shotgun, One Planet Stiletto outdoor pack and the Cold Shot MOAB reticle adjuster. We also showcase the SSAA’s Field to Fork – The Australian Game Cookbook, illustrating the growing appeal of cooking with the assortment of wild meats that can be bought in store or taken by hunters.