Con Kapralos reviews a Howa M1500 rifle fitted with a GRS Berserk stock and chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor; John McDougall field-tests the Axis S&H shotgun from Fabarm and John Dunn puts the Schultz and Larsen Hunter Traveller rifle under the microscope. Benjamin Unten examines the feature-rich ATN X-sight II HD 5-20x Day/Night riflescope, while Paul Miller takes a look through a pair of Rudy Project Rydon shooting glasses. SSAA-LA’s Kate Fantinel pens a wrap-up of the national firearms amnesty and an account of how volunteers’ resilience is paying off for the rare Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby. Senior correspondent Rod Pascoe tries out CCI’s Copper .22 rimfire cartridge and Lionel Swift provides a in-depth guide on cleaning double-barrel shotgun actions. Assistant Editor Dave Rose gets to know the latest SSAA Bursary recipient and sharp-shooter ‘Jeremiah’ traces his shotgun all the way back to her Royal Majesty. Dick Eussen assesses the unique Compact M1911 Folder knife and Donna Partridge reunites with the Heart of the Huntress cast for a successful weekend hunt.