Assistant Editor Dave Rose celebrates Victoria reaching 50,000 licensed hunters, while Chris Redlich takes on a fighting fallow. Media Officer Kate Fantinel outlines the reality of firearm deaths and how common or uncommon they really are, and Russell Mark explains why policy might be holding back our Olympic shooters’ real potential. Dick Eussen looks at Ruger’s American Rifle Ranch in .300 ACC Blackout calibre, John McDougall tests the Franchi Affinity shotgun and Don Caswell takes a look down Swarovski’s Z6i 2.5-15×56 P scope. Ian Thompson explains the mysteries of yaw in spinning projectiles and Rick Huckstepp gets his hands on the exquisite Rigby Big Game Deluxe .416 Rigby rifle. Ben Unten takes us on a spring hunt, Peter Assfalg travels to the German Hunting and Fishing Museum, and Communications Officer Sam Talbot talks with Single Action junior shooter Tumbleweed Wagon.