Newcastle celebrates 50 years
8 December 2019 - SSAA Newcastle
SSAA Newcastle in New South Wales marked their 50th anniversary this month with a weekend benchrest score shoot at the Seaham range, competitors shooting out to 100 and 200yds for centrefire and 50 and 100yds for rimfire.
Victory in the 100yd centrefire competition went to Ean Parson with a score of 250.17 on a countback from Arthur Hodgetts, shooting in his first registered match, third place going to Kim Cosstick on 250.16. Parsons was also successful over the 200yd distance (248.3) and took out the combined yardage title on 498.20 ahead of John Babic (496.10) and Ken Eppleston (494.19).
Rimfire 50yd was shot superbly by youngster Nicholas Haberecht with a score of 250.14 while victory in the 100yd contest went to Bill Buchanan (248.7) ahead of Allan Marsh (247.6) and Robin Cox (245.3). Winner of the combined rimfire yardage was Buchanan on 498.20, the two-gun competition taken out by Cosstick on 979.31 with Bill Jupp (978.28) second and Don Powell third on 977.28.
Don didn’t mind finishing third as he was still smiling after a ride-on mower was donated to the Koorainghat club by the Newcastle branch following the loss of much of their equipment in the Taree bushfires.
A Saturday night anniversary barbecue was enjoyed by all and it was great to hear some club history from former executives including Tony and Kath Allanson.