2022 Air Rifle Field Target Championships
05 Jun 2022 - ACT Majura Range
After several on again off again, schedule and reschedules the discipline finally managed to get a National Championship off the ground. Unfortunately, short notice and the ever-present threat of Covid-19 border closures meant that many people chose to stay away or simply could not organize themselves with the relatively short notice.
Day 1: – Saturday 4th of June saw a total of 12 stalwarts (read crazy people) choose to brave the extreme cold, damp and windy Canberra weather to shoot the Open Air Rifle matches. With temps reaching a maximum of 3 degrees Celsius, wind gusts hitting 45-50+kph and snow on the surrounding hilltops it made for an interesting day of shooting. Several targets remained unblemished throughout the day with misses on long targets frequently being measured in meters rather than millimeters.
Day 2: -Sunday 5th of June (Springer Day) and numbers dropped to 8 competitors who were silly enough to believe that conditions could not get any worse. Sadly, we were all very wrong except for a supposed 2-degree temperature rise (we are certain that the people at BOM have a pretty terrible sense of humour). The wind got stronger, much stronger, and rain and sleet made the simple act of moving between target lanes the real challenge. Actually hitting a target became reason for celebration and knocking one down would elevate individuals to God-like status!
A humble fireplace became the single most important meeting point of the weekend.
National Field Target results 2022 Open Air Rifle
National Field Target results 2022 Intl Springer
National Field Target results 2022 Open Springer
National Field Target results 2022 Intl PCP
National Field Target results 2022 2gun open air rifle